Saturday 4 September 2010

Uplifting Tales From the Life of Russia's Next President - in 2012

Miroslav Naryshkin, Red Is Where I’m Coming From, A Biography of Sergey Mironov, Speaker of the Russian Senate, translated from the Russian by Konstantin Petrenko, with a Foreword by His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent (of Great Britain), Izdatelstvo VesMir (Publishers), Butlerova ul.17b, Moscow, 117342 Russian Federation, 2010; 206 pp.; Hardback, beautifully produced book, ISBN 978-5-7777-0460-3;

First published in the Russian language by Amphora Publishers; Moscow, 2009.

Copies of the Book are available in London exclusively from the Pushkin House, 5A Bloomsbury Square, LondonWC1A 2TA, United Kingdom; Telephone + 44 (0) 20 7269 9770 – e/mail;


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Miroslav Naryshkin’s book is a remarkable achievement – totally boring for a Western reader perverted on a diet of Anglo-American junk, it can only become a much sought after collector’s item – more than read, it shall be sold in auction houses like a tsarist Faberge Egg, as an intellectual object d’art … and here is why;

It is the “A Biography” of a wholesome Russian politician with a mission, Sergey [must have been spelt Serguey) Mironov, already well-established in Russia as the Speaker of the Russian Senate, and of course totally unknown in the cultured circles of the West.

And herein is the unique auction-grade, collector’s-item significance of Naryshkin’s book, which undoubtedly seems to have been planned as the grooming of Sergey Mironov for the Presidency of Russia in 2010. [Read my world-exclusive on the Links above]

Miroslav Naryshkin is a fatalist – He believes in destiny and mystical forces – entirely anti-Marxist. He has the sweetest most extreme view of history I have ever encountered (perhaps an influence from the oeuvre of the Soviet Developmental psychologist Lev Vygotsky 1896-1934, a victim of Stalinism) – “Greatness in people is born in childhood. In other words, great names that designate eras in history are already visible in the irises of a child’s eyes.(p.45), and he leaves no doubt that he thinks Mironov was such a child;

On January 1, 1780, Empress Catherine the Great issued a decree to found a town named Sophia at Tsarskoye Selo … designed as a kind of memorial to celebrate Russia’s victory in a war with Turkey” – the Muslim scourge of European powers for several centuries. “So, it was a special place where Sergey Mironov was born.(p.28) As if it were in a classical Greek play, Naryshkin refers to his “protagonist’s destiny(p.51). He is keen on “groping a mystical thread in our all too realistic conversation [s](p. 57), “some cipher, a code of future events … which can change the course of Russian history. My book is also an attempt to see things that are hidden from the eyes of man, but are already written there, behind the flimsy curtain of our reality. It is not just another biography of a prominent political leader, but an attempt to comprehend through his life, his real life, our recent history and the coming future, looming large with its prospect of great change(p.103) Mironov is destiny-bound to bring about …

And I myself think he will, although based upon the Marxist logic of history, rather than Naryshkin’s Dostoyevskean-style mysticism, as when Naryshkin also pondered earlier that “I would not be surprised if in 2012 capitalism in Russia would itself drive the final nail into its coffin.(p. 66) – I should hope so, to liberate the Russian people from the clutches of drugs and prostitution – the two exclusive commodities of global mafia-capitalism.

If nothing else, I love the memorable sound-bite Naryshkin provides for a definition of capitalism as “economic cannibalism(p. 112) – How true! “By itself, the Russian capitalism, based on a criminal initial accumulation of capital, will not be capable of embracing Western values, the spirit of freedom and fair competition. Wide-spread corruption, monopolies, and incredible impoverishment of a large part of the population – those are its current terrible signs” (p. 187); “[T]he incredible mysteries of Kremlin life and horrendous crimes are left outside the ten thousand copies print run of this volume” (p. 194), which is of course a great pity.

As a Western reader, I would have loved to have read about those “mysteries of Kremlin life”. As a Historian, it is never too soon to unravel “horrendous crimes” – Naryshkin is doing a great disservice to the education of future generations.

Napoleon’s Freemasonic Stance

We in the West want our biographers to paint warts and all in a thousand pages, and rightly so. In this the Russians, held back by their yesteryear’s Soviet past, still paint varnished shiny portraits in the style of the Stalinist Socialist Realism, with the right-arm of the super-hero inserted in a Napoleonic suit, forming a prominent right angle for the viewer to enjoy in all its … painted glory!

The grand liberator of the South American continent, Simon Bolivar (1783-1830), long before Stalin, had imitated that gesture-posture for his own official portraiture. What art-historians hitherto have not ‘seen’ is that Napoleon was transmitting a coded message of his membership of … Freemasonry, that he is on-the-square, formed by his left arm inserted into his military overcoat at an angle forming a square with it. I am of those who have no doubt that Napoleon indeed was a Freemason – the said pictorial stance is the great evidence.

The square is a complex Masonic symbol. The geometric compass and the right-angle half-square (combined together as an icon of Freemasonry) were essential, technologically innovative tools in the building of medieval Norman castles and cathedrals.

The right-angle was visually imitated on the theatre-stage too, from the Renaissance dancing styles, to denote elegance and aristocratic origin (the balletic ‘classical pose’), while signifying simultaneously a 3rd Degree Master-Mason – note the stance of Simon Bolivar in the painting below. The square as a geometric tool is an evolutionary development from the most ancient (Egyptian) ‘abstract’ sun-dial. Being “on-the-square” is a Freemasonic recognition codeword, referencing the floorboard of the Masonic Lodge.

A great friend of mine, a Quatuor Coronati Grandmaster many times over, with a massive sense of heart-warming Jewish humour, when asked with what code words he would recognize a ‘brother’ amongst a crowd, he said, he would ask him “Are you a Mason?” … he cares not for secret hand-shakes and code words – waste of time working them out!

The ‘full’ square additionally in the form of the chessboard – black-and-white, and/or dark-and-light, referencing the dialectical contradictions of Being and Becoming, the totality of Life itself – became the standard iconic floor-design of the Masonic Lodges. Again, note it in the Bolivar portrait – Bolivar, being also a Freemason, understood Napoleon’s most original visual invention and imitated the posture happily. But I think Stalin, the Georgian bimbo, merely wanted to be a second Napoleon …

In Western terms, Naryshkin’s book is not a biography at all but a Victorian Boy’s Own telling of uplifting stories – ‘adventurous’ anecdotes – from the boring life of a wholesome Russian Orthodox Church champion, “one of the most influential politicians of the Russian state(p. 15) sitting on the fence, or rather on his high horse of Christian living and morality – with a decent wife and children, no mistresses, or anything sordid anyone may not be socially publicly proud of …

Politics = the craft of Lying

Politics is hard work. It’s difficult, especially for an honest person”, moans Naryshkin (p.35). I would go further and say that, if the art of Politics is the craft of lying naturally, then Mironov is the non-politician of true politics – “the permanent features of [his character] have always been his absolute honesty and being true to one’s word.” (p. 31) A true Christian, obviously.

Fornicating Fundamentalist hugely fat American Senators – go and stew in your own pseudo-Christian juices … here comes Sergey Mironov, the next President of Russia, that shall attempt a Christian cleaning-up of Russia hopelessly soiled by the Satanic infiltration of US Mafia-capitalism fed on prostitution, drug-addiction, and the militarized CIA.

The title of the Book is intriguing – Red is Where I’m Coming From – it refers mildly and obviously (at least in my books!) to the immediate Soviet past, today totally despised by the political mafia in Russia. Mironov’s rational stance is not different from the famous British folk dictum – throw not the baby out, with the bath-water!

And I think Mironov shall save the Soviet Baby …

I find it appalling that today’s Russian intelligentsia (is there any left?) lacks any historical factual understanding of the glories of its immediate Soviet past – not the crimes – what global power is without it? As Jesus Christ said, let those without sin throw the first stone at the whore!

  • Nothing, but nothing in any nation’s history can compare with the deliberate and intentionally planned crimes of the imperialist West;
  • the genocidal Crusades
  • the Spanish Inquisition
  • the British institution of Slavery raping the human as a capitalist Commodity
  • the genocide of the American natives by the descendents of the Pilgrim Fathers
  • the genocide of the Armenians by the Ottoman Turks - allies of German imperialism
  • the French genocide of the Algerians
  • Franco’s genocidal annihilation of the peaceful village of Guernica in Spain
  • and not to mention his genocidal mates, the Nazi beasts …

This list can be stretched as far as the eye can see!

The Soviet Contribution to world Welfare

Here are some of the glories that the Soviet Union was;

(1) It wiped off the Nazi shame from mankind’s forehead. And here is a little known historical fact – it was the Armenian Soviet Tamanian tank division that finally annihilated the den of fascist Nazism and placed the Red flag of victory on the Reichstag. It was the little Armenians (not the Azeris, the Kazakhs etc.) with the great Russians that smashed the Nazis to smithereens.

Some shameless British historians nowadays abusing the ignorance of the starving Russian historians are usurping the honour, bemedalling themselves fraudulently as sole victors.

(2) The Soviet Union (in Communist solidarity) for decades, fed literally the starving Africans and Asians battling against evil colonialism, snatching the bread from the mouth of their own citizens …

The map of the free world today freed by the Soviet Union from the genocidal colonialist inhumanity, would have been very different without its existence. The Soviets fed China for half a century, and Baby Cuba, as recently as the much over-rated John Kennedy’s pornographic aggression, in our own lifetime, intending to rape Cuba … after Marilyn Monroe.

The economic blockade of Cuba still on, is a grotesquerie even President Obama seems unable to lift after forty very long years … a US elephant trying (still, incorrigibly) to crush a gadfly under feet.

The Soviet Contribution to British Welfare

(3) Only and only as a direct result of the Soviet Union’s innovative humanitarian socio-economic structures, that we in Britain today have Free Medical care – the National Health Service.

The British imperialists (led by Winston Churchill, drunk most of the time irritating the US President Franklin D. Roosevelt) were so very panicked by the example of the Soviet Union promoting the welfare of the masses that they were certain the British masses would want the same and more – topple the monarchy.

In an extremely clever and masterly chess-move, the British Establishment succeeded in strangulating all possibilities of revolution by throwing to the British working class some welfare morsels buttered with some social goodness; the National Health Service, Council-Housing and Free University Education.

Now that the Soviet Union is no more, Free University Education was successfully genocided out of existence under our noses by the fraudulent New Labour Party itself … and the NHS and Council-Housing are daily brought to the meat-grinder of the New Coalition government of Business Axe-men.

The non-Communist Revolutionary

For a Soviet man of Mironov’s stature, it is quite incredible, almost miraculous, that he could escape communist party membership (“But I am not a party member, Mironov said, not the least embarrassed.p.142).

As such, he knew extreme poverty; “In 1993, I had to sell my fur boots and a short fur coat to have money to celebrate New Year with my family.” (p.117)

Extreme poverty taught him true Christ-like proto-communist humane decencies cleansed of the money-obsession; “Money was never my highest priority; I treated it as a means to achieve something, not as something sacred, constituting the meaning of life. I still do not have any passion for wealth. It is an outdated quality, but that’s how I am. At one point in my life I realized that my own personal needs in this life are not that big. Money brings nothing but frustration, disillusionment, and a huge moral price for having it. Wealth burns away your soul, just as big-time politics, that is if you don’t give yourself fully to the people …” (p. 60); “The most flattering praise for me is to hear people say that I am a workaholic.” (p.198)

Compare this with what one of the engineers of the British New Labour Party – the Great Fraud of 20th c. British history perpetrated in the name of socialism, similar to the German Fraud of the Nazis which does mean nothing else but National Socialism, tells of this time the architect of the New Labour, now in the House of Lords; “[He] seems to have a problem with money. He likes it too much. It has been a weakness. It cost him his job in the Cabinet ….. He has always liked rich people too much”, as if the engineer’s other architect friends didn’t [names in “The Platell & Pierce Interview”, Daily Mail, August 14, 2010 – pp. 34-5), the greatest of who was the Prime Minister himself, Tony Blair, whose “current, largely money-spinning activities” the former British Ambassador to Washington refers to in a Daily Mail (September 4, 2010, pp. 16-7) Saturday Essay, titled; “From the man Blair sent to Washington, the final word on those jaw-dropping memoirs, The Most Scary thing of all? He Still Wants To Rule the World”. The New Labour Party was the baby conceived by (now Lord) Mandelson and the homoerotic Mr. Blair – “before being sent to Washington as ambassador, I was told to get up the a*** of the White House and stay there(p. 16).

The whole of the New Labour hierarchy was infected by mammon-worship – they converted the Old Labour from its socialist faith defending the working class masses, into the party of the s-wanky … Bankers, which traditionally in the British politics was the domain of the Conservatives – for example, the latter's recently designated Treasurer, a close friend of Prince Andrew, “a multi-millionaire property tycoon and former tax exile who was once branded ‘a shady financier’ in Parliament, quit on Thursday even before he had taken up the post.” [“Tory backlash over ‘tainted treasurer’”, by Tim Shipman, Daily Mail, August 21, 2010, p. 14).

The New Labour Managers tried for a decade and succeeded in becoming more Popish than the Pope, washing with their tongues the filthy feet of the inhuman capitalists and the non-Doms (= the non-resident foreign tax exiles, usually the Russian oligarchs leeching the Russian people even from London), proving Mironov’s point about corrupt wealth burning your soul away.

Mironov on the other hand is Everyman for … Every decent man and woman, “not of noble background” (I think what the translator means is ‘not of upper-class birth’). It is how his self-portrait is cleverly varnished by the author; “we were ordinary street boys from a Leningrad suburb. Everybody was like that at the time.” (p. 57).

Accordingly, Mironov it seems was a Soviet Geologist working in the … Gobi desert in Mongolia (Chapter 2 – The Dry Sea).

The British Library in London has just published a sumptuous book, The Diamond Sutra, the Story of the World’s Earliest Dated Printed Book (by Frances Wood & Mark Barnard), found (and acquired for the British Museum by Sir Aurel Stein in May 1907) in caves of the … Gobi Desert.

Similarly (by a ‘mystical’ coincidence), Naryshkin tells the story of how Mironov himself had discovered Buddhist manuscripts in a cave … but unlike the British agent, does not acquisition it, leaves it in situ!

Actually, I wish he had followed the Brit example of thievery – who shall ever know what treasure was lost to mankind.

And did you know that Soviet Russian “geologists are romantic and inquisitive folks”?

I did not. I bet their CIA counterparts in Afghanistan are cut-throat thugs as violent as their Russian mafia ‘brethren’ now; “In those [Soviet] times, in that brotherhood of geologists, a kind of order of romantics and workaholics, no one, or almost no one, thought about personal gain or personal wealth.” (p.17)

All Mironov really wants is to build a Just Russia (the apt name of the political party he leads); “fighting against backward communists …. It was my ultimate and great enlightenment and a great hope that now, after getting rid of the cancer of ‘barracks communism’, we would be able to build a new, just society , a just state, which would never again kill its own citizens.(p.154) Golden words indeed!

The ‘eternal Prime-Minister’ Putin seems to Approve

No opportunity is missed throughout the book to praise the Strong Man of Russia [Vladimir Putin] to the heavens … after all, Mironov needs the eternal Prime-Minister’s approval to win the Presidency in 2012, and work with him as the president of the vast country. Like a Beethoven crescendo, this emotion climaxes on p.177 thus;

There is some law in history which we don’t quite understand ….. It is universal, which means it has worked throughout the entire history of mankind, in all countries and all eras. However, in Russia it has developed into something almost mystical. There are points of no return in history, when the destinies of entire civilizations, not just countries and peoples, are determined. The end of the XX Century was precisely such a point for the Russian state. And it required a very extraordinary person, with a certain set of personal and professional qualities, to stand at the helm of the sinking vessel. The incredible force of historical gravitation brought forth such a person and he did that for which he had been brought to the pinnacle of power: he literally saved the Russian state from another collapse and prevented the ruin of the Russian civilization. Vladimir Putin, of course… I would like, together with Sergey Mironov, to raise my voice once again in his support.” (pp. 177-8).

Again, as in a Beethoven Sonata, a second divine climax seems to suggest that Prime Minister Putin has already given his consent to Mironov’s Presidency; the story is told of how the King-maker Putin telephones in person Sergey Mironov, inviting him to the Kremlin on “[T]he 30th of November 2001 AD.” And on December 5, Mironov is elected into his present post, as Chairman of Russia’s Federation Council. Of the “suggested several candidates … Putin had said: let it be Mironov…(p. 199), which is Biblical God-speak from Genesis, God-Putin the Lord of Russia in creative mode, commands, Let there be Light …

I hope that Mironov, while promising not to revive the worst of the Soviet bureaucratic so-said communism, shall get rid of the worst of the murderous mafia-capitalism at least, to bring hope to mankind, as a new super-power Russia, once again restraining the follies of Anglo-American hyper-imperialism, hilariously (were it not tragically) fighting lost wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – the world’s greatest military-industrial complex-ed powers bunched together in NATO cannot now defeat the bare-footed bandits of Taliban they themselves created (to harass the Red Army).

Saddam Hussein had a hilarious information minister (I wonder where is he now?) – a great stand-up comic if there ever was one, threatening America daily with apocalyptic scenarios … we all laughed then, when he said that every invading soldier in his country shall be burnt to death, until the last occupier leaves in a hurry!

[A very dear friend of mine, Richard Skellington, a great poet and a distinguished Open University Founder-Editor of Society Matters tells me that the said Minister was called Muhammed Saeed al-Sahhaf, has an MA in English Literature ... and lives in the United Arab Emirates, with several amusing websites about him].

Mironov shall make the world bipolar again – tri-polar, if China will have her own say, without being the lackey of American mafia-capitalism.

The Man of Reason

Mironov is subtly delineated by Miroslav Naryshkin as “one of the most influential politicians of the Russian state.” (p. 15) The Western reader has no choice but to take the author’s word for it, and hope for the best. For, Mironov thinks logically – and this time we have his own word for it.

In the Sablino Caves (Ch. 7), when a group of college students get lost, and the Soviet police are useless (like Police everywhere in the civilized world), Mironov takes charge of his own ‘gang’ to find them; “I started to think logically. When I feel I have found myself in a difficult situation, a situation of stress as they say now, I start considering the options. You are no longer scared; you start saving yourself and others.” (p. 57) Ergo, Mironov is the ideal Man of International politics; always cool in crisis, always rational, not emotional, but logical. No wonder he could find the students in the mystical caves of St. Petersburg, “full of invisible currents, underground lakes, and even little mystical revelations – like the revelation that God exists …” (p.59)

And this last revelation is the Big One for a Soviet citizen fed on a daily diet of atheism – The Sablino Caves are undoubtedly symbolical of international politics, with the underground lakes and dangerously invisible currents … But the cool Mr. Mironov, if he puts his logical mind to it, would be able to find even the … lost tribes of Israel!

There is a formal logic even in the arrangement of the book’s photographs; album-like; the 1st batch is black-and-white, childhood, adulthood, that sort of thing; the 2nd batch turn modern, Technicolor, the first of them Mironov holding (as if planting) the Russian flag in the very Far East, at Kunashir island – A warning to the Anglo-Saxon imperialists that as President, he shall not give up any more inches of Russian territory, having lost vast humongous countries (with their geological resources) to Western hyper-imperialism, which has just about began the mafia whoring of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan …

Only a state of the communist ideology could give up peacefully overnight the territories it held – Britain or America would explode nuclear bombs instead …

After seeing the pictures of Mironov with the Russian political, and most importantly, religious elite, and on TV shows, this section ends with him “On a patrol boat, Arkhangelsk, Russia, 2004”, meaning, enough of Russia has been given up already.

The 3rd and last section of the photographic album illustrates Mironov now on the international stage, at the Council of Europe, addressing it (the very first photo), with President Clinton, HRH Prince Michael of Kent, and last but not least, amidst astronauts, looking forward to leading once again the space-age technological revolution, “With members of the Russian-US crew of Soyuz-TMA-13 spacecraft before take-off: the Baikanur Cosmodrome, 2008”, note, in Russia, not America …

Mironov was in the “elite units – the Airborne Forces” of the Red army – I would not know how the Americans train their elite Marines, but here is what Mironov is used to; “parachute jumping late at night into the bottomless sea in stormy weather.” “Their friendship, their brotherhood were tempered – like steel(p. 79).

Uncovering the Freemason Contribution to the collapse of the Soviet Union

The not infrequent mention of “brotherhood” seems to echo the great principle of Freemasonry which has a very respectable tradition in Russia

The titanic novelist Leo Tolstoy writes uninhibitedly about the aristocratic Masonic rites in his miracle of a novel, War & Peace.

The yet unknown historical fact documented here for the very first time would be the revelation of the Masonic contribution to the collapse of the Soviet Union – Gorbachev and his Armenian Economist comrade-in-arms Aghanbekian and their circle seem, nay, were (as Hamlet would say) to have been inducted into Freemasonry during the heady days of Perestroika – my very own sister (a first-class translator with a perfect knowledge of the Arabic language) was an employee of the Russian News agency Novosty in Beirut, Lebanon. She recalls how the photographs of Mr. Gorbachev and his colleagues with Masonic aprons and paraphernalia in Lodges were released to the Lebanese media as press-photographs by the Soviet News agency itself, before they suddenly disappeared in a week or so, never to be found or ever seen again …

An unresolved puzzle of 20th c. history

Freemasons of course have their own rotten eggs, and plenty of them. One of the great puzzles of modern history (and something educated English Freemasons today would not want to know, they feel so deeply ashamed of it) is the conversion of the Young Turks from a revolutionary force united with their Armenian Freemason brethren attempting to topple the Ottoman Sultanate, to create an egalitarian multi-ethnic socialist society … into a genocidal racist gang of common murderers, sadistically meticulously organizing the state-genocide of the Armenian people in 1915, thus inventing the paradigmatic blueprint for the Nazi genocide of the Jews, and all the other genocides that followed it all over the world, including the genocide of the Kurds still going on in Turkey today.

In the published multi-volume letters of Winston Churchill, is one to his wife bragging about entertaining Enver in London, several years before Enver became one of the Young Turk triumvirate preparing, planning and perpetrating the genocide of the Armenians.

Churchill (a Freemason), was obsessed with the preservation of the British Empire, and determined to swallow up the Ottoman one too, even though he lacked all basic military knowledge – his engineering of the Gallipoli campaign just before (and overlapping with) the genocide of the Armenians counted too much on his racist bias of underestimating the Turks as a stupid race … who whacked him with such clever fight-back, that resulted in Churchill’s disgraced resignation in London with the added sobriquet as “The Butcher of Gallipoli”!

Could it be that the genocide of the Armenians was a Churchillean sadistic folly whispered in Enver’s ears, and linked with the ludicrous Gallipoli warmongering, where … Australian and New Zealand soldiers (abbreviated as Anzacs) were used as sitting ducks and cannon fodder on the seashores of the Dardanelles for Ottoman firepower from the cliffs?

How more stupid could a military plan be?

No wonder Churchill loved-and-hated Stalin, painting an affectionate avuncular image by calling him Uncle Joe during the war ... only to then back-stab him immediately after the war.

Right Royal Contribution

Sergey Mironov strikes one as an anglophile in the best meaning of the word [“dressed in British-tailored grey suit, white shirt and a tie(p.135)], manifesting the best of the British which even the British best nowadays seem to have forgotten completely.

One of the most astonishing aspects of this book is the fact that His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent has graced it with a most interesting Foreword, dated “London, September 2009”, and signed almost as a big brother, in his first name – “I commend this book to its readers. Michael”!

I would not know if the Prince is a Freemason 'brother', but everybody that is anybody (and even a Nobody like me …) in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth countries know that his brother the Duke of Kent, KG is the present Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Great Britain, the foremost emblem of world freemasonry

Sweetly, as “Patron of the Commission for Global Road Safety”, the Prince has “awarded the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award to Mr Mironov in recognition of Russia’s efforts to improve the grave situation on the roads.”

Come to think of it, Prince Michael of Kent’s concern with road safety in Russia is of paramount importance … never mind that the Russian mafia murders at least 20 every day, people of flesh and blood, that there are 5,000 Russian prostitutes in Bangkok, and equal that amount, of all places in Ho-chi-Minh city, the capital of Vietnam, operated by Russian Mafiosi, headed by a geezer called Valery, an ex-Academician … from Soviet Vladivostok, an ex-Soviet expert in Vietnamese language and culture (Asia Pacific Media Services, 3rd February, 1996). Russian men are finally waking up to the fact that their women are being whored by and to Western Capitalism – “a series of articles in a Moscow newspaper [unnamed] in which Russian men accused the country’s women of being for sale to foreign men.” [“From Russia with love (and a good moan)”, by Mail Foreign Service, Daily Mail, August 7, 2010, p. 9]

What is movingly expressed is the curious anomaly, not to say self-contradiction of the Prince’s statement that “We British do not really know [Russia] very well, nor her people, nor their motivations. … It is difficult for us to imagine what gladdens or saddens the Russians, what they aim for and what they shun.” (p.7)

On the next page, the Prince reveals that he himself knows the Russians very well indeed [“visited the country over forty times(p.7)], and states with great aplomb that “The Russians recognize that they live in a great country, playing an essential role in world history. But that fills them not so much with a sense of imperial nostalgia, but with a constructive responsibility for what occurs in the world.”(p.8). No socialist historian could have put it better!

Where I hugely disagree with the Prince is in his conviction that peoples “located in a wholly different part of the planet … are liable to be faced with a conflict of national interests.” (p.7)

This is precisely the kind of tired old politics dating back to Lord Palmerston (1784-1865) of Britain and Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) of Prussia and still destroying the world through incessant warmongering, in defense of conflicting national interests … which simply put merely means (and nothing else) the robbery of each other’s national wealth in terms of natural resources.

I see absolutely no reason why the national interest of every nation would not be the same, constructed on the (Nichiren) Buddhist [] principle of compassion, protecting Life on earth, and cherishing global peace … live and let live – Thou Shalt not Kill, rob, steal, whore other people’s wives and countries, governments, natural treasures …

Why should any nation’s national interest comprise the domination of the Other meaning territorial robbery and genocide.

The Russian Orthodox End

Forewarned by the noble Prince, Naryshkin’s book ends magnificently, gloriously, miraculously, movingly and massively … Christianly, in the middle of a Cathedral the Soviet communists had stupidly vandalized, now restored to its former glory.

It reads like President Mironov’s electoral manifesto, worth quoting every spiritually satiated word of it – here it is in its entirety (Ch. 21, The Cathedral);

Sergey Mironov and I stood in the middle of Saint Sophia’s (= Saintly Wisdom, Prof. HIP) Cathedra, saying that as long as Christian Orthodox churches existed, Russia would exist, too. As long as the hearts of Russian people were filled with faith, the country would be strong and independent. We would be able to overcome any hardship, live through any trials, and finally build a state in which all citizens would live in dignity and comfort, in which freedom and human rights would not be distorted by cruel exploitation, whether from the state or private capital, in which private enterprise would exist alongside social justice and people would want to prosper together with the entire country and all of its citizens.

“‘You know, a Cathedral should lie at the base of any social idea’, Sergey Mironov said to me suddenly.

He repeated his thought:
“‘Ideas are like people. And there should be a Cathedral in one’s soul…’

He lifted his face up to look at the vaults of the main dome …

“[The] Mother of God was looking at us from the icons of Saint Sophia’s Cathedral. She was blessing us with her clear, Russian eyes…
(pp. 205-6).

Those are absolutely the last words of the Book – Dare anybody doubt that Sergey Mironov is destined to become the next President of Russia in 2012?


Post Scriptum

Religious wars throughout history have been the great curse on mankind’s head. The universal natural religious sentiment of the masses have been exploited by ruling class elites to Divide and Rule, and get neighbors to cut each others’ throats.

Extremely stupid people murder one another in the name of God that is one and the same essence in the whole of the universe, let alone on this baby-planet. Very foolish people think that their god is not the same as everybody else’s … they then try to convert the others violently to their own beliefs.

The extremists of every religious belief are the same kind of idiots whether Christian, Muslim, Hindu … In India, the country that produced Buddha and his philosophy of global peace, Gandhi and his non-violent (a-himsa) movement, Hindu extremists like some kind of pre-historical Neanderthals club Muslims to death – Muslims in Turkey cut Christian throats; in Saudi Arabia, they cut off heads officially publicly weekly as state-punishment of crime, in practice of Islamic Sharia Law [not in the Holy Koran]. Christian American Ku-Klux Klan porno artistes used to give chase and viciously literally castrate Christian Black men more Christian than them.

Religious fanatics of all faiths are simply mad – ignorant, poor, exploited by inhuman rulers, they are driven mad by their power-obsessed passion to convert the rest of the world to their own version and vision of God.

For centuries now, people speak of Jesus Christ as if he were a historical figure. He exists only and only in the New Testament, invented as a fictional character by the Gospel writers. Frauds frequently concoct ‘archeological evidence’ to prove Christ’s historicity, which on closer examination are always proven to be forgeries.

The name of Jesus Christ was not unique at all; ‘Jesus’ is the Hellenization of the Hebrew name Jehoshua/Joshua, very common in Old Testament times; ‘Christ’ is from the Greek Christos, which is not even a name but a sacred sobriquet meaning ‘anointed’; in 1970, the publishers Doubleday & Co. created a mental tsunami when they published a book, The Sacred Mushroom & The Cross by a distinguished Biblical scholar, John M. Allegro, who had already gathered his uncontroversial scholarly reputation by an earlier book on the history of the Jewish people, and as a Lecturer in Old Testament and Inter-Testamental Studies at the University of Manchester (in Britain).

Allegro proved linguistically that ‘Jesus Christ’ was no more than a secret code signifying the hallucinatory mushroom (Amanita Muscaria) used in ancient Near Eastern fertility cults … The non-existence of Jesus was so shocking for the Anglo-American markets, that poor Allegro was disgraced by people who should have known better, socially ex-communicated and his pioneering book withdrawn from sale. Otherwise, one could laugh off the childish American fat white male tourists today who carry touristy wooden crosses the length of Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem, convinced that they become … Jesus by replicating a bit of his march to Golgotha.

The Vatican in Jerusalem with its endless restored Catholic churches rakes in tourist money in the name of God’s non-existent family; son Jesus stepped here, Mother Mary sat there, Daddy Joseph … stared at the moon … everywhere – not different from Pope Leo X (1475-1521) selling indulgences absolving all sins and guaranteeing entry to Heaven!

The Prophet Mohammed (570-632), peace be upon him, had it right when he ridiculed the Christian need of a Creator of the Universe as if Almighty God were a piddly human being producing children …

All this hot air could be innocent harmless fun (like the endless television programs prepared for the American History Channel) if only adherents then would not kill each other in the name of non-existent historical facts or fantasies. Instead of solving the Palestinian Problem rationally and reasonably and peacefully, they have turned the Holey Places into a place of endless bullet-holes.

However, one important step President Sergey Mironov could take towards global peace-making is to inscribe the Russian Orthodox Church in the Russian Constitution as its state-religion, simultaneously guaranteeing freedom of worship to all other faiths including lunacies like Scientology – founded by the CIA operative and science-fiction writer Ron Hubbard – and US Evangelicals, who are convinced that when the end of time comes, and it is very soon now (has been so for two thousand years … The Disciples were convinced they’ll live to see the Second Coming), the Good (the White Americans only really!) will be sucked up into the air and meet Jesus Christ in the sky on his way to … wherever – they call it The Rapture!

Other Western nation-states may follow the Mironov paradigm, and designate their centuries old historical religious traditions setting in stone in the constitution of their subsequent countries. This shall produce in the West a totally new politics, which hopefully may calm down international political nerves by persuading nations not to proselytize with political fantasies, attempting to convert others to their own religious ways.

Iran and the Arab world are shining examples of this politics. Most Arab countries have their historical religions, even the dominant sect (the Shia/Sunni variations) inscribed in their state constitutions, and the native Christians know, not to rock the boat or cause civil-wars by proselytizing.

Unfortunately, the Muslims of the West have not acquired this wisdom precisely because the West in its historical attempt to secularize over many centuries has foregone the custom of inscribing the specific country’s historical religion in its constitution, creating the delusional illusion that their religious sentiments are up for grabs – hence some Muslim extremists fantasize about Islamizing America, Britain and France, actually, the whole world … while American and British fantasy-merchants delude themselves on secularizing Muslim Turkey by receiving it in the bosom of Europe.

What cannot help is the obnoxious genocidal Bush-Blair doctrine, in the words of Britain’s own Ex-Ambassador to the United States Mr. Christopher Meyer (in the Saturday Daily Mail Essay quoted above) confirms as “a monstrous ideological construct in which the War on Terror (a phrase apparently still alive and well in the Blair thesaurus) must be pursued to the bitter end, whatever the cost in blood and treasure, so that Western values will prevail over those of militant Islam.” (Daily Mail, September 4, 2010, p. 17) – sheer Medieval unnecessary Crusader madness, answered by sheer Medieval Islamic necessary madness opposing it. But then Bush and Blair are war-criminals, the Butchers of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Freemasonry’s Greatest Contribution to Revolutionary History

The whole of Europe belonged to the Vatican once, since the Middle Ages, when Martin Luther (1483-1546) and German Protestantism began to crack that rotten nut open, by freeing European states from the clawed clutches of the Catholic Church and the genocidal Inquisition.

Then, in the late 19th and early 20th century Europe, Freemasons led a series of Revolutions (the Risorgimento in Italy, The Russian Revolution, the Young Turks etc.) following the paradigm laid by the Freemasons of the French and American Revolutions, liberating via secularization the whole of Europe from the Catholic Church (and the Ottoman Sultanate).

For a long time, British Freemasonry would not acknowledge this historical fact and would always regard it as the mess brought about by the French brethren of the Grand Orient. [] The vital difference between them is that the British insist on being a-political, while their French counterparts are intensely political.

The British Freemason hierarchy is anti-revolutionary and monarchical, as the French (and their brother-disciples) are passionately revolutionary and Republican. The British Grand Lodge finally (even only this very year, 2010, through a series of Exhibitions) accorded Masonic acknowledgment to the American and French Revolutions.

I regard the secularization of America and Europe – a process still continuing today – as the greatest contribution of Freemasonry to world history. Without the Freemasonic revolutionary initiatives in America, and Europe-wide, we would all be still crawling on bended knees on prayer pews in Norman Cathedrals.

Freemasonry brought Freedom and Democracy through social Revolution to the peoples of the West. The three Virtues defined by the French Revolution – Fraternity, Equality and Freedom – are the Masonic principles [] still valid and un-realized (rather, frequently betrayed by the ruling elites) that contain the power to save and transform the whole world.

It is a pity that in the popular imagination Freemasonry is erroneously and corruptly linked with mafia-capitalism, when in the historical absolute fact, it is the preserve of socialist quality, equality, brother-and-sisterhood, social secular peace, just society and universal justice.

Like everything else in Thatcher/Regan mafia capitalism, it is corrupted into its exact inhuman opposite, serving as self-serving immoral money-obsessed service-economy, where profits are put before people, where humans are abused as commodities, women whored and men emasculated, ripe for the rampant exploitation of their country’s resources, to satiate the greed of Western hyper-imperialism.

I am not advocating that President Sergey Mironov of Russia reverses the Masonic blessing of Western secularization, but rather the constitutionalization of a country’s historical cultural creed coupled with the security of worship extended to all other faiths simultaneously, aiming to end all religious fantasy-feuds and global warmongering imbued with such, so that the fringe-Muslims of Britain give up violent wet dreams of an Islamic Britain, Wahhabi Saudis shall not dream of a Sunni Iran, the Tibetans would be left to their Buddhism by the Communist Chinese …

Prince Charles and his prophetic Concern

Prince Charles, the Future King of Britain could then sleep peacefully at night, calmly put aside his worried concerns about whether to assume the title of The Defender of Faiths in plural – if a British government would decide to insert the Anglican Church in the British Constitution (whatever of it is left …) as the country’s state-religion, then everyone else in the United Kingdom including the British Muslims shall find spiritual peace in solidarity with him and the Constitution.

President Sergey Mironov could start the ball rolling in Russia and throughout the world.

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